Conversion to multi-look intensity (.mli)

The ALOS data was supplied as amplitude and had to be first converted to multi-look intensity (.mli). This was performed using GAMMA software which can be is driven using the script mli_script given here , This asks for a "fileroot" meaning the convenient name that you want to give the resulting file rather than the original ALOS label. I used a convention of using a fileroot based on the path, frame and cycle number of the file e.g. P443_F7170_C20. The code given in mli_script reads the long ALOS filenames using a wildcard and renames the result as fileroot.mli and fileroot.hdr. Versions for single look complex (SLC) data are also available here.


Stacks of up to 12 ScanSAR images were used in our work and before analysis these had to be co-registered using one image (e.g. the earliest) as a reference. This procedure was carried our semi-automatically using GAMMA scripts. Describes the co-registration of two images of the same scene taken at different times Unix/Linux scripts The same procedures were used to co-register earlier and later FBD images before applying techniques to identify change.

Multi-Channel filtering

The use of multiple images enables reduction of speckle using the Multi-Channel Filtering technique described in

Quegan, S., & Yu, J.J. (2001). Filtering of Multichannel SAR images. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 39, 2373-2379

This was implemented using IDL codes running on IDL version 6.4.1 decribed in the document MCF processing and given the extension .mcf.

ScanSAR-FBD combination

This involved using Envi to co-register files. Although not strictly pre-processing it is processing before combination and a non-matlab procedure, so wins a place here.

Reading envi files to MATLAB

This is covered under Matlab Processing but codes are also given here.

Links to code

Codes were tarred and gzipped on a linux machine. They can be extracted in Windows by using a utility such as 7-zip twice.