Reading ALOS 1.5 data with Envi

Most of the data we used was processed to level 1.5 by JAXA. Some notes on reading it with Envi are given here.

Reading ALOS complex data with Envi

Although I did not personally use complex data in this project a method for reading it is given here.

Making a FBD footprint shape file with Envi

Vector graphic outlines of regions are called shape files by ArcGIS and have the extension .shp, but are called Envi vector files by Envi and take the extension .evf. It is very useful to be able to make a shape file of an image footprint. From this is is possible to make a mask, to excise regions of another image etc. It is probably possible to do using ArcGIS but I used Envi as described here.

Using ARCGIS explorer to create a transparent background

Images are produced at an angle to the frame and are surrounded by black regions where there is no data. This is undesirable if you want to overlay an image on a map or onto another image but can be overcome by using ArcGIS explorer which is a free download. The method is described here.

ScanSAR Change Animations

The change methods used to analyse FBD images can be applied to ScanSAR series to produce animations. Some examples are shown here.